
Random companion cube box print

I printed this companion cube box over a year ago. I thought it was a pretty great print at the time! But in reality it was rife with ringing issues and a general lack of layer consistency. Not to mention the infill algorithm was very wasteful.


A year later, armed with more experience, software updates we’re able to get MUCH cleaner results.


It was originally a test print to try some print settings out. But it turned out so nicely that I decided to test some paint on it.


I was hoping a thick coat of gloss base would fill the print lines. (it didn’t) I chromed it to bring out all the imperfections and test some gloss varnishes.


Since I already had a chromy undercoat, I thought I’d test the durability of some of the varnishes I had, so I painted on the main colours and scuffed it up to make it really worn looking with various abrasive objects.  It started off as a test print, then a painting experiment, now it’s a happy accident. And what better a test subject than a weighted companion cube?

Oh It opens up too.
