How was it done?
Well, I got my hands on
Valcrow’s Version 2 3D printed Atlas which I’m sure you’ve all seen. The V2 has the sweet paint job on it already which helps tremendously. I set it up with a pretty elaborate lighting setup on my dining room table and propped it up beside a bonsai tree.
I used a ring light as the Key (top left), another ring light set really low for fill (bottom right) and finally an accent light behind the mech to add a more dramatic effect. 2 Magic/Friction arms held a medium laser and a Wicked Laser Spyder III artic which worked well as a Large ER. After fiddling with it for a half hour and accidentally setting it on high (which almost lit the Atlas on fire) we finally got the proper alignment in relation to the camera angle.
This was the result:
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The Setup:

For those who are interested here is an unedited original raw export and a quick vid of the setup.
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