If you’ve used an airbrush, you’ve probably come to the realization that things can get messy and wet fast if your workbench isn’t setup for it. What can we do?
These are the messy culprits. Put any of these down in a bad place, and you’ll have a wet mess all over your work area.
When you change colours on an airbrush, you need to purge the thing of the currently loaded paint. To do this you must run the paint through or dump it out, then run a few cap fulls of water to clean the remaining paint out from inside the brush. This means you need a place where you can spray dirty water with ~10-15 psi of air pressure + water vapor and paint mix.
So I designed an airbrush holder/purger that holds all the necessary tools I need close by, accessible by one hand, and held upright so that it drips into the same reservoir.

I looked around the house for a container, but didn’t find anything very suitable. I did however have a lot of old CD spindles… so I thought… hey. That’s kinda like a bowl. It had a nice flat bottom, stable, short, correct size and has mounting fins. PERFECT.
I designed the holder in a few modular pieces in-case some bits didn’t fit properly, or I need to move things around. I positioned the brush holder directly in-front of the airbrush nozzle spray so that when I purge the airbrush (run water through) it’ll spray clean my brush in the process.
And here is the finished print!
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I stuck some leather strips I had left for
Mjolnir to protect the airbrush’s chrome finish and attached it to the cd case.

With all the tools in place… Everything fit quite nicely.
And there we have many problems solved at once! I even ended up recycling old cd spindles into a very useful product. So far the workflow for the airbrush has been substantially improved and the experience made much better. I can easily add a precise amount of water to thin the paints with the eye dropper, or add a lot of water from the syringe to purge. I have my hands free to mix paints or take a break. The airbrush cup is level for mixing held securely by the holder rather than my hand. Final cleanup is a breeze.

Overall, very happy with the design and function. As my airbrush will help in my 3D printing design, my 3D printing helps my airbrush.
Hopefully this will make my airbrush learning experience a less messy one.
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