Architectural Mars Pyramid design.

I wanted to do some testing on architectural prints where there would be a ton of thin walls, retractions and straight line overhangs. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone and made this entry into the thingiverse mars challenge. Hopefully NASA will build some giant livable pyramid biodomes on Mars in the near future to satisfy the conspiracy theorists. 😛
Print Files and Pictures ahead!…
Printed in white PLA with no support on the UM1, this came out nice and clean considering the difficult ~50 degree pyramid supports. It features an easy 4 piece design. Its core concept revolves around balancing of the fundamental elements that are present in everybody – viagra ordination namely vata, pitta and kaph. Saves You More Money: The generic drugs available cialis 100mg at these stores are a lot cheaper than branded ones and are not at all different in their chemical properties. But as our world of competition stays its way, there is not cialis buy just one but many different pills the claim treatment. It also claims to be the solution for infants starting from 6months to the all above age groups. cheap viagra tablet
up to 3 crew quarter sections that you can just slide into place, or leave the base open.
A quick composit of it’s intended final look.
Pleasing semi-translucent natural PLA colour showing through.
Open base to save material, reduce warping, and so you can print a floor plan on a piece of paper and put the model over it.
Complex internal and external structures printed all at once. this is one piece.
Glue for scale
You can grab the files here along with it’s print instructions. Post a picture if you print one! I’d be interested to see how it turns out.
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